Friday, May 06, 2011


Avery is 2...nearly 3.
Avery is a pistol :)

She is funny.
She is a favorite at nursery.
She loves nursery and playing with the "tids"
She loves to play with "Tendall"
She can't say her K's :)
She dances and wrestles and fights.
She loves to play with Sydney and Payton.
She loves baby Tess (to a fault...)
She likes to watch shows on the i-pad (dora, caillou, bubble guppies, arthur)
She loves to take a bath with bubbles.
She pees her bed when she naps.
She likes to read books.
She loves "Tangled"
She likes to play outside.
She cannot wait to get big and go to pre-school.
She is one of a kind.
She'll talk your ear off in her high pitched voice :)
She has a love/not love relationship with her daddy ;)
She is a blondie.
She is petite.
She is a good eater.
She likes treats.
She likes to touch and kiss and love and touch her baby sister.
She likes to go to AJ's.
She is a good singer and makes up her own lyrics.
She sleeps in the bottom bunk.
She likes to walk on her dad's back.
She loves her mom.
She likes to run around in her panties.
She is the best.

xoxo, Aves.

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