Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Ok, so this is what I found this afternoon. No, she didn't fall, but it was close! She is getting so confident and adventurous. She definitely loves her freedom and thinks she's so big. What am I going to do with this pill? climbing on everything these days...guess I have to buy a dreadful gate. I haven't had to deal with this before. definite plus of living in a rambler ;)


bkbills said...

Oh my gosh! Sadie too. I hate the stinking gate. It is such a hassle, but I guess a necessary one. Good thing they are so dang cute!

kate said...

ought oh! that look in her eye is priceless! :) i have been putting off the gate purchase as well... they are all so hideous. but i surely can't use my ottoman as the gate forever?

love all the pics! um, quilting? mom will be so proud. way to go sister. looks way cute!

love and hugs to you..

Melanie said...

Mom is SO proud!!! Love it Sarah so so cute! Miss TROUBLE is crazy cute...I love her!