Monday, September 14, 2009

partying with the cousins...

We are pretty lucky to be related to Jared & Amy who plan such fun vacations and let us tag along. We spent a long weekend in Huntington Beach for Mack's fifth birthday. The kids had a ball together at the beach & on the waterslides. I had a much-needed, very relaxing few days and except for a small bout with the stomach flu, we had a fabulous time. We also got to spend another long weekend over Labor day at Lake Powell with our family. It was very nice to be ALL has been a while. We even managed to get a few family pics. The kids played so hard and came home SO exhausted, but it was a fun time together. Sydney and Avery loved to ride the jet ski with Mike. Payt & the boys went from the beach to the "hot pool" to the beach again. The weather was nice and food was great...and Avery even kept her life jacket on without a major fuss, so we had a great time.
I really am not even going to pretend that I don't think this girl is the cutest thing ever...

Aves loved riding the jet ski with her daddy.

tan babies.
Avery and her stringy, sunscreen, mullet hair...probably should do something about that.

Wee and little Aves.

All the grandkids with Pop and Dama-Dama

The whole bunch of us
{and proof that I went on this trip...the only picture taken of me...
maybe cuz I hadn't showered in 3 days???}
Sydney and the pet frog that died the next day. bummer ;)

Lots of boys...Jared, Will, Payt & Mack

Brunch at the Hilton...
little did we know we'd see ALL 5 of the chocolate covered
strawberries again on our ride home :) yucky.

Payton {6} Mack {5} Sydney Kate {4} Will {3} Avery {1} Sam {4 months}

{these are totally in the wrong order....}
Transformers cake AFTER!

Transformers cake BEFORE!
Happy Birthday Macky! We love you...

Skinny Miguel and the SPRINKLES cupcakes.
{Mike definitely regrets eating 4 of them.
And we are ALL trying to forget hearing them coming back up...lovely.}

"Strips" in honor of POP

Love these two beach bums.


Woods: said...

CUTE cute pictures! And what a FUN vacation! That family is too fun and hilarious! Miss you all!
DARLING cousins! Love all the pictures...and of course you are so dang cute it's stupid.
Did the frog die because his roof was a cactus? OUCH! :)

kelly jewell said...

Looks Like fun! So glad for you guys. :)

Melanie said...

Yup...I agree Aves is beautiful!! Love her spunky, happy personality!!

Melanie said...

Soccer will never be the team can compete with such a beautiful in blue player! Who knows... picking weeds could be a good distraction:)

Anonymous said...

Looks like it was so much fun.. And you survied without a heart attack... All in all, a good vacation.