Well, back to reality. AZ actually is a nice place to be and there's nothing like your own bed. It was hard to want to leave our wonderful time in Idaho. And lucky lucky me, I got to stay in Utah for 5 days with Avery and just hang out with my family. It was awesome. Kate & I tended babies and hung out with mom and dad. I just loved that time. AND to top it all off, my husband wins an award. He took Payt, Sis and Max to California for the week...even took them to Disneyland. What a trooper! And he even had a good attitude about it. I don't know where I got him, but I sure like him :) I miss my Kate & Arleigh that's for sure. I never knew how much fun it would be to have babies together, me and my sis. She sure is the best friend a girl could have. We got the girls pictures together, we'll see how they turn out. Officially, I do not want twins! It was hard to get them to cooperate...one was either bawling or sleeping or hungry at all times. Oh, and also got to go have lunch with all the Larsen cousins, so fun. These pics are just random shots...the family pic is at Mike's lame 30th birthday party, one of "Aves & Arls" as Sydney calls them, and my girls in their pink tutus that my mom and I made them. hope you enjoy.
Pretty in Pink for sure!!! Tutu much fun!! Clever grandma? :)
Agreed Mike is a trooper....Max had a GREAT time. Thanks again Mike. Love you all.
This Baby looks like a Rammell!!! I love it...Not that the Mike Clone is not Super Cute Too but it is nice to see you in there too. I love the Tu-Tu's. Remember that we need to do photos before that child is two.
Love You Tay
oh my. that top picture kills me. :)
love you guys! come back soon!!!
Hey, I was in Utah too last weekend. Wish I could have seen you. Your baby is super cute!!!
you better get that baby back here in that tutu asap. better yet we'll have to drive through az to come home most likely...you might see a pregnant whale and a tall boy at your door step. love and miss you too much.
Mike turned 30?? I didn't realize that the day had come and gone! Happy birthday old fart Mike!
Your kids are so cute. I too think that Avery looks more like you. How fun for you and Kate to have girls so close in age.
LOVE the tutu's. The pic of Avery is so addorable! Mike definately gets an award. Or is that what that cake was.:) Welcome home.
Gosh, your family couldn't get any cuter...oh how I love to see these pictures. Avery Baby looks so much like PAYT! She has grown so much in the last couple of weeks...can't wait to come over and see those peanut heads! love, Judy
Gosh, your family couldn't get any cuter...oh how I love to see these pictures. Avery Baby looks so much like PAYT! She has grown so much in the last couple of weeks...can't wait to come over and see those peanut heads! love, Judy
emily and me have girls 6 weeks apart and now they are 4 years old and already "calling" each other on the phone...they truly are best friends...so much fun ahead for them (and you guys too!). She is a doll Sar, luv cam
You girls are so beautiful! Are you still working as a nurse or is there too much work at home? Your little family has sure grown, I was so glad to have found your blog Suz gave me the address and it is fun to see what fun things you guys are doing!
You girls are so beautiful! Are you still working as a nurse or is there too much work at home? Your little family has sure grown, I was so glad to have found your blog Suz gave me the address and it is fun to see what fun things you guys are doing!
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