Sunday, July 22, 2012

Avery May

This little "sassy sprout" as her dad calls her, is so much fun right now.  Seriously.  She is pure entertainment and joy.  She is beautiful and growing up so quickly.  She is hilarious and witty.  She is kind and loving.  She is reasonable and consistent.  She is "happy when's she's happy and sad when she's sad"... (direct quote).  She loves playing with friends and brother and sisters.  She is getting to be quite a confident swimmer.  She is counting the days down until she can go back to pre-school.  She is a singer and a dancer. She makes up songs and dances.  She turned 4 in May.  We had a super fun friend party at the house after school with sprinklers and ice cream sundaes.  She loved it so much

She loved playing at the beach in California.  She was the bell of the ball at the horse race at Hollywood Park.  She really just is happy and fun to be around.  And pretty much my favorite 4 year old ever.  She is mature for her age and talks like a 12 year old.  She is growing...her little body is filling in and she's quite built...kinda like her daddy.  Avery is one big blessing to our family.  I am so lucky to be her mama.

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